Wednesday, April 13

T.S.A. Security Measures

This has been a hot topic for some time. Although I won't say whether or not I agree with the TSA's tactics, I do have some interesting thoughts for you all to think about.

First of all, I believe these tactics were too reactive. Security measures like frisking and full body scans should have implemented a long time ago. It has been known long before 9/11 that commercial airliners are a target for terrorists. It could be argued that had these measures been going on before a tragic event occured, would said event have even been allowed to occur? Terrorists and criminals alike will always find ways around security measures, but it is still essential that everything is done to prevent anything from happening.

Secondly, I believe Americans critizism of these security measures to be hypocritical. If, for example, the government did not implement these measures, and another attack on our soil occured, Americans would most likely complain that more security measures were needed. It seems to me that Americans are never happy with the way the government handles anything.

If we want to be and feel safe traveling on airplanes, there needs to be a constantly high level of security. If everything is not done in order to protect Americans, and another tragic event happens, who will then be to blame? The government for not wanting to offend airline passengers, or Americans for being easily offended by security measures often found at common events like night clubs or concerts?

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